- At February 01, 2010
- By artjom
- In general, photography, travel
I think this might be the right time for a blog revival. Last week I graduated from University and now it’s time for some more traveling! Tomorrow night I’m leaving for Sydney with a five day stay in Thailand on the way. Although I have only five days in Thailand, I’m still planning to tour around the country.
Actually, as I’m writing this post it’s snowing outside. So I really can’t wait to let this climate zone behind :)
tulip club
- At January 09, 2009
- By artjom
- In abstract, general, photography, places
The Tulip Club is the first club in Germany in Style Art Amsterdam and belongs to the biggest house clubs in Germany. International impressions were in the emergence as important as the collaboration with renowned designers from various fields and countries. The Tulip Club celebrated its opening in December, and literally just before the grand opening I shoot this photos for the website of the club.
Read More»zion
- At December 23, 2008
- By artjom
- In general, landscapes, photography
Zion’s towering sandstone monuments, dubbed “natural temples of God” by 19th-century Mormon pioneers, rise 3,000 feet (914 meters) above the Virgin River and the canyon floor.
Read More»duct tape and string
- At December 08, 2008
- By artjom
- In general, landscapes, photography, places, urban
Maybe I should stop playing around with the source code of my blog and post instead some photographs. Some may have noticed, that I’m changing my blog, again… I still haven’t touched most of the pics I shot on my trip thru the western USA. Just a few! The rest is still waiting for post processing. Hopefully I will get them done in the next time. Probably, I am just scared of the review :)
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- At October 23, 2008
- By artjom
- In general, photography
Got mail today. One of my photos has been selected for inclusion in the newly released fifth edition of the Schmap New York Guide :)
Schmap is a leading publisher of digital travel guides for 200 destinations throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
- At October 20, 2008
- By artjom
- In abstract, general, nature, photography
ok, first post since a month. I think I should keep up more with my blog. Nevertheless, I’m still pretty busy with getting back into normal life overhere, the seven months in the US may have been a lil’ too much of lay back :)
More than a week ago I’ve been with my friend Sergej again in the photo studio. This time we just tried a couple of things and ideas, and I got the opportunity to try myself on some portraits.
Read More»two weeks…
- At September 23, 2008
- By artjom
- In general, photography
two weeks have past since I’m back home. And I still got problems to get used to this damn climate over here. It’s just freakin’ cold and wet. The weather is real crap, just rain, gray days and temperatures below 10°C (50°F). brrrr
Nevertheless, the last two weeks I’ve kept me pretty busy. Running from one appointment to another. Some things just never change. Also I had already a couple of additional courses at my university. Officially, the next semester starts next week. Probably then the chaos will be perfect!
center of the world – san francisco
- At September 02, 2008
- By artjom
- In general, photography, places, urban
San Francisco is surely charming, and when you see it from across the tousled waters of the bay or from atop one of its impossible hills, it’s hard to imagine any other American city looking so damn attractive. From all the cities I have been too across America, San Francisco is the one I would favor before them all.
It has row upon row of gorgeous Victorian homes, acres of forested urban parks and long sandy strands offering picture-postcard views of the brick-red Golden Gate Bridge. No wonder I gave me whole four nights in this gorgeous city.
Read More»Big Sur – LA to San Francisco
- At September 01, 2008
- By artjom
- In general, landscapes, nature, photography, travel, USA
If you ever have to drive from Los Angeles up to San Francisco then surely I can only suggest you to take Highway 1. It’s easy to explain why. The coastline here is an awe-inspiring symphony of nature, and at times Hwy 1 seems to clutch at the cliffs as if in desperation above a ravenous sea.
It took me almost a whole day to get to San Francisco. This is not only of the breathtaking vistas, but also because of the curvy Hwy 1 which winds along the Pacific coast with it’s steep ups and downs.
back to civilization
- At August 26, 2008
- By artjom
- In general, landscapes, photography
puuuh… that was an trip! Arrived yesterday in Las Vegas (again)! It was just amazing. Haven’t seen such incredible Landscapes since a long time. And I gained a new appreciation for rock :)
I’m so glad I can sleep tonight in a normal bed :) Well, there is a slight difference to a tent. And if u are camping you don’t have always the luxury of a shower available.
I was in some really awesome National Parks. Especially the drive on Highway 12 was just far-out!
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