center of the world – san francisco
- At September 02, 2008
- By artjom
- In general, photography, places, urban

San Francisco is surely charming, and when you see it from across the tousled waters of the bay or from atop one of its impossible hills, it’s hard to imagine any other American city looking so damn attractive. From all the cities I have been too across America, San Francisco is the one I would favor before them all.
It has row upon row of gorgeous Victorian homes, acres of forested urban parks and long sandy strands offering picture-postcard views of the brick-red Golden Gate Bridge. No wonder I gave me whole four nights in this gorgeous city. The city’s willing embrace of eccentrics and misfits, its thriving ethnic neighborhoods, its abiding devotion to creativity and innovation, its Mediterranean climate, its scrappy little big city-ness these were the things that made me wish for one more night at the center of the world.
San Francisco open your golden gate.
You’ll let nobody wait outside your door.
San Francisco, here is your wandering one.
Saying I’ll wander no more.
Other places only make me love you best.
Tell me you’re the one in the golden west.
San Francisco I’m coming home again.
Never to roam again.
There’s more but I’m sick of typing :)) It is something isn’t it!! I love how you’ve captured the Golden Gate bridge and those city lights are something else….what a city eh!!
Was that the street they did all those famous car chases?
I gotta stop looking & get to work!! Now I will have that song on my brain all morning :)) San Francisco open your golden gate….. San Francisco….HERE…I….COME!!