los angeles

Well, like some friends did forecast. Los Angeles wasn’t a real blast. It just wasn’t the way, they are selling LA in Hollywood movies. I don’t think you are imaging the Walk of Fame, as a place where adult shops and cheap boutiques are queuing along the stars. lol
Los Angeles is huge, real huge! It’s a titanic, sprawling, brawling place – a patchwork of 88 separate towns conspiring to look like a city.
After meeting up with some colleges from work, we went to the Universal Studios. It was quite interesting to see how Hollywood is bullshitting us. :)
And this time I played a bit tourist. I left my Camera in the car and took instead my little compact one with me. So this time I do not have real picturesque pictures.
Universal Studios
I may hire this guy, too :) Seems to be a way to get famous in Hollywood! lol
aaah, I forgot to mention the smog, LA is covered in. Thirst I thought it’s fog, when I came down from the Mojave desert towards LA. But once you are in there, you won’t even notice it.
Nice sunset :) I like how you found Arnie!
Wow!! Now that’s one big bottle of Vodka!!
Hey Arthur
nice to see the pics of us at the UNIVERSAL STUDIOS!
Wasn’t it a funny day?